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Thank you for joining our Resale Rewards program!
If you have reached this page, you will want to use your Mobile Phone
to download the FREE Resale Rewards App.
You can simply scan this QR code using the camera on your phone
QR code for Resale Rewards page.

From your Android device – go to the Google Play store
From your Apple device – go to the Apple App store
Search: Resale Rewards

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Resale Rewards app store location screen.
Resale Rewards coupon screen.
Resale Rewards app map

Quick, easy to sign up, and fun to use!

Resale Rewards App

Please contact the Store directly if you need to obtain your Initial Password for the App setup,
or if you have any questions about your earned points or available reward coupons.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with downloading or setting up the App,

please click here.